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Nagano Rainbow – Colorful leaves (9-10 November)

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone has been enjoying the nice brisk autumn weather this week. Rainbow has been having a lot of fun together both outdoors and indoors this week.

Gym lesson!

We had another fun gym lesson this week.
We started off the lesson by using the mat. First, we did some easy jumps across the mat. Next, we jumped while opening and closing our legs. We also did a spider walk across the mat and practised our forward rolls.

We finished the lesson by using the pull-up bar.
This time we increased the difficulty, as they had to touch the bar with their feet while hanging from it! Everyone did a great job, and all the teachers were really impressed!

Classroom lessons

Our five senses

We have continued to talk about our five senses.
The main phrases we are working with are:

  • I can see with my eyes 👀
  • I can hear with my ears 👂
  • I can smell with my nose 👃
  • I can taste with my mouth 👅
  • I can touch with my hand 🤲

Throughout the day we are keep these phrases in mind and talk about the different things we can sense around us.

Autumn crafts

This week, we used some nice leaves from the park nearby for our crafts. Because nothing says autumn like some nice colorful leaves! We colored a turkey using crayons, then glued leaves around it to create the feathers.

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!